Womb Experiences Prepare Newborns for Classical Music

Before we're even born, we hear and remember many fascinating sounds inside (and outside) of the womb as early as twenty-four weeks from conception. So it should be no surprise that newborns are rather receptive to the sounds of classical music. If you can imagine, the human body is capable of making a wide number of sounds - all of which seemingly play themselves to the ever present drumming of the heartbeat. This is in addition to the sounds evident from the body of the fetus as well. There's the swishing sound of fluids, the bubbly sounds of air pockets, and of course the muffled sounds of the mother's voice accompanied by the less prevalent sounds of the outside environment. The womb in effect, presents its own symphony of unique tones and rhythms.

Outside of the womb, we've seen newborns exhibit behavior that strongly suggests they remember the sounds that they hear while in the womb. Quite naturally, they recognize and respond to the voices of both mother and father, however they also respond to melodies in music even if they're played at different pitches or at different tempos. Interestingly, we've also noticed newborn behavior that suggests they can tell the differences among many types of rhythms. But how and why?

This discovery is evidenced by the reports of people who state they can remember being born - or they remember being inside the womb. The things that these people remember (like arguments, humorous events, etc.) support an ability to understand what's going on outside of the womb before they were even able to talk. Recordings from inside the uterus of sounds occurring outside of the womb prove that classical music, like the music on FirstWhispers CDs, can be well absorbed by the fetus' developing ears. Reports from people who remember their womb experiences confirm that babies can indeed hear Womb Sounds classical music and process it in such a way that they not only hear it, they understand it, process it, and remember it for years to come.

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